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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Myth-busting, and Fact-Checking: Please Spread This to Friends and Family

Posted on 22 March 2020

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While we are all trying to isolate ourselves to stop the spread of COVID-19, another ugly omnipresent epidemic is spreading — fake news about COVID-19. To help you and your loved ones stay safe from COVID-19 based fake news, we have compiled a list of helpful sources for myth-busting, and fact-checking.

  • World Health Organisation (WHO): The WHO is doing a great job myth busting COVID-19 with science, and generating memes with terrible color schemes. Below we have listed a few examples. You can find the entire list here: WHO Public COVID-19 Myth-busters
COVID-19 transmission and weather
COVID-19 prevention and nutrition
COVID19 epidemiology

  • BBC Reality Check: Although not exclusively for COVID-19, but BBC’s list of COVID-19 fact checking is still managing to kick fake news butt. You can find links to all the stories here: Reality Check
Reality Check by the BBC

  • Full Fact is the UK’s independent fact checking charity, and they are stepping up their game to deal with COVI-19 related fake-news. You can find their COVID-19 full facts coverage here: FullFact COVID-19 on COVID-19

Harvard’s Public Health’s COVID-19 comprehensive FAQ

  • Google: Google has finally put together a resource page for all COVID-19 related fact-checked material. Google also links to cached pages for major research providers such as the WHO, and the CDC, in case their web servers are overwhelmed. Find Google’s list of tips, tricks, and research reports on COVID-19 here: Google COVID-19 Resources
Google COVID-19 Resources

These are just some of the excellent resources available online to keep you and your loved ones safe from COVID-19 related fake news. Please send us links to other COVID-19 related fact-based research websites, and we’ll add them to our list.

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