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Image Courtesy of ImmortalityBus
Whether you want a shot at (biological) immortality or you simply want a longer and healthier life, both camps need to persuade more of the public if anti-aging efforts are ever really going to expand. Research needs investment and social evolution needs momentum; if no-one campaigned things would never change. In this revolutionary spirit, the American Transhumanist Party’s presidential candidate Zoltan Istvan, one of transhumanism’s most recognisable figures, is leading a bus campaign across America to spread the cause and encourage people to think about what transhumanism, and indeed longevity, might offer them.
Immortality Bus design by Rachel Lyn
A converted bus remodeled as a huge coffin on wheels, the 4 month tour is undoubtedly going to capture some attention. Initially beginning with the West Coast, the brigade aims to traverse through the country challenging the concept that aging is both inevitable and desirable. A whole bunch of talented, passionate people from many walks of life will also be joining the tour.
‘In addition to Zoltan Istvan, a bunch of other futurists, journalists, scientists, medical doctors, adventurers, and transhumanist activists will be riding on the bus. Longevity scientist Maria Konovalenko, Telegraph journalist and author Jamie Bartlett, & physician and women’s rights activist Dr. Lisa Memmel). Many bus riders will come and go as we pass through various parts of the country. We hope to keep the bus full of interesting and charismatic characters. And surely a number of well-known celebrities and television personalities will also be joining.’
The Indiegogo campaign needs to raise $25,000 dollars for the project to get its feet off the ground, but whatever your motivations are the undertaking could ignite more debate than ever on the subject of longevity. Having the technology to make the change isn’t enough to implement it alone and enthusiastic debate could sway many more minds on the subject.
Find more about The Immortality Bus at the Campaign page
Read more at IEET
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