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Optimising Light Therapy Treatment for Weight Loss

Posted on 23 June 2019

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A pilot study of 60 overweight adults has shown that the optimal session frequency for receiving low level laser (light) therapy for weight loss is twice a week.

This biweekly treatment resulted in 30% of participants losing >3% body weight by week 6 of the pilot study. Of the three most common frequencies of LLLT sessions, attending twice weekly for 6 weeks boasted the greatest reductions for weight loss, waist circumference, BMI and body fat loss.

Biomolecular pathway triggered by LLLT

This frequency also presented the greatest increase in quality of life metrics e.g. body satisfaction, body appreciation.

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    1. Croghan, I.T., Hurt, R.T., Schroeder, D.R. et al. Low-level laser therapy for weight reduction: a randomized pilot study. Lasers Med Sci (2019).
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