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A Handy Guide to Longer Living Through Science!

Posted on 25 October 2014

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A Handy Guide to Longer Living Through Science

A Handy Guide to Longer Living Through Science

As anyone who follows media knows, science abounds with studies of longevity, but the science of longevity is rife with controversy and contradictions. Nutrients and pharmaceuticals that extend life in one creature or lab show few if any effects in another. And perhaps most insidiously, some seeming breakthroughs have turned out to be Faustian: They lengthen lives but don’t slow aging. 

The grail of longevity research remains that elusive drug, food, personality trait or lifestyle change that will prolong robust, healthy life. This infographic highlights the ups, downs, reverses and highlights of recent research.

Checkout the detailed infographic at The New York Times

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